
Some more finger food.

{ spinach chili gressini }

Thank you so much for all the comments and all the support!
As many of you already know I am in Munich with a friend for ERASMUS :) We haven't yet managed to get a home of our own (but I feel like we are closer!), hence I haven't had much time for the blog. And I have also been having intensive german classes, so I have little free time and lots of things to do and to visit!

Gressinos de Espinafre e Malagueta
- 180g de espinafres frescos
- 225g de farinha
- 1 colher de café de massa de alho
- ½ colher de chá de bicarbonato de sódio
- coentros moídos
- cominhos
- piri-piri moído
- açafrão da índia
- pimenta moída

- 1 colher de chá de sal

1) Pré-aquecer o forno a 180ªC,
2) Escaldar os espinafres num tacho com água a ferver durante meio minuto, escoar bem para retirar o excesso de água,
3) Picar os restantes ingredientes num robô de cozinha até obter migalhas, reservar,
4) Picar os espinafres e amassar com os restantes ingredientes
5) Transferir para uma superfície polvilhada com farinha e estender com um rolo da massa até ter cerca de meio cm de altura,
6) Cortar a massa em tiras com 1 cm de largura,
7) Torcer as tiras e espalhar num tabuleiro forrado com papel vegetal,
8) Cozinhar no forno durante cerca de 20 minutos.

Spinach and Chilli Gressini
- 180g fresh spinach
- 225g flour
- 1/2 tsp garlic paste
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- powdered coriander
- saffron
- freshly crushed black pepper
- 1 tsp salt

1) Heat oven at 180ºC,
2) Soak the spinach in boiling water for half minute, drain well,
3) Blend all the other ingredients in a blender, put aside,
4) Chop the spinach and hand mix with the other ingredients, in a bowl, until obtaining an homogeneous batter,
5) Spread over a flour-dusted surface until obtaining an half centimeter thick rectangle,
6) Cut the batter in 1 cm stripes,
7) Twist the stripes and spread in a baking tray, lined with parchment paper,
8) Bake for around 20 minutes.