
Getting ready for summer

{ healthy mango mouse }

This is a easy recipe I've been willing to share for a few weeks, made twice, but still got no good picture yet... So I got these pictures from mango.org, which I didn't even knew to exist!
The following recipe is based on a recipe made by my boyfriend's mother. Since it's lower in fat than regular versions, I leave it as a suggestion for those of you who, as me, are making plans to go to the beach in the near future ;)
I was just thinking... Aren't mangoes very Portugal-colored?!

Mousse de Manga Light
ou quase pudim ;)
- 1 lata grande de polpa de manga
- 8 iogurtes (naturais, gregos ou não, utilizei metade de cada)
- 12 folhas de gelatina
- 50g ou mais de açúcar, conforme o gosto

1) Dissolver as folhas de gelatina num pouco de água bem quente,
2) Bater os iogurtes, a polpa e o açúcar,
3) Acrescentar a gelatina dissolvida e bater novamente,
4) Levar ao frigorífico pelo menos 3 horas.

Light Mango Mousse
pudding-like ;)
- 1 can mango pulp
- 8 yogurts (plain, greek or regular, I used half each)
- 12 gelatin leaves
- 50g sugar, or more to taste

1) Dissolve the gelatin in some hot water,
2) Beat yogurts, mango and sugar,
3) Add the gelatin and beat well,
4) Place in the fridge for at least 3 hours.


Daringly healthy

{ hake, cured ham and spinach gratin }

Gym and less carbs are making me happy :) So I leave you a recipe that will keep you satisfied without any rice, potatoes or pasta, which is not too green so men won't protest ;) My blog isn't strictly about healthy food, because I believe almost anything can be part a healthy diet, but I can share other healthier recipes with you if you'ld like!

Pescada Gratinada com Paio e Espinafres

- 2 medalhões de pescada
- 2 dentes de alho, picados
- 1 cebola pequena, fatiada
- 8 fatias de paio de york, cortadas em tiras
- 200g de espinafres frescos
- 1 colher de chá bem cheia de pesto
- 8 azeitonas
- azeite
- sal
- pimenta
- colorau
- amêndoas com casca, partidas em pedaços
- 4 colheres de sopa de pão ralado
- 1 colher de sopa de parmesão ralado

1) Colocar os medalhões num pirex e temperar com sal e pimenta,
2) Refogar o alho e a cebola em azeite,
3) Juntar o sal, o colorau e as pimentas e deixar libertar os sabores,
4) Juntar o paio e deixar refogar um pouco,
5) Juntar os espinafres e um pouco de água e deixar cozer bem, tapado,
6) Incorporar uma colher de chá de pesto,
7) Partir as azeitonas em pedaços e juntar aos espinafres,
8) Dispor os espinafres em volta da pescada,
9) Polvilhar com pão ralado, parmesão e as amêndoas picadas e levar ao forno a 220º para gratinar.

Hake with Ham and Spinach Gratinee

- 2 hake medallions
- 2 garlic cloves, chopped
- 1 small onion, sliced
- 8 ham slices, chopped
- 200g fresh spinach
- 1 tsp full of pesto sauce
- 8 olives
- olive oil
- salt
- pepper
- paprika
- chopped almonds
- 4 tbsp breadcrumbs
- 1 tbsp parmesan cheese, grated

1) Place the medallions in a deep baking tray and season with salt and pepper,
2) Cook the garlic and the onion in olive oil,
3) Add the pepper, paprika and salt and let cook until fragrant,
4) And the ham and cook a little longer
5) Add the spinach with a little water and cook well, covered,
6) Incorporate the pesto,
7) Chop the olives and mix into the spinach,
8) Place the spinach around the hake,
9) Sprinkle with the bread, cheese and almonds and place in the oven at 220º until golden.


The texture, that's the matter.

{ soft and tender heavy cream buttermilk waffles }

We shouldn't have forced this batter into the waffle machine.
I just decided, while cracking eggs open, that I wanted to skip my usual batter, and mess things up a bit!
I knew since the beggining that this would probably metamorphise better into lovely pancakes, but we wanted to have that uneven shape, so what could we do...
My "little" brother is the machine operator here. The "older" brother measured the flour and sugar at the beginning. I did what was missing in between :) Recipe follows. I advise you to use it for pancakes, and maybe even add some blueberries!

Waffles de Nata e Buttermilk

- 250g de farinha normal
- 50g de farinha maizena
- 1 colher de chá de fermento
- 2 colheres de sopa de açúcar
- 2 ovos
- 200 ml de natas frescas
- 1,5 dl de buttermilk
- 1,5 dl de leite
- 1 colher de chá de aroma de baunilha
- sal q.b.

1) Numa taça grande, misturar bem todos os ingredientes sólidos,
2) Bater as claras em castelo com uma pitada de sal,
3) Bater as gemas separadamente,
4) Acrescentar as gemas, as natas e a baunilha aos ingredientes sólidos e bater,
5) Acrescentar o leite, metade de cada vez, e bater bem,
6) Incorporar as claras,
7) Aquecer a máquina, untar as pás com óleo e fazer as waffles.

Heavy Cream and Buttermilk Waffles
- 250g white flour
- 50g cornstarch
- 1 tsp dried yeast
- 2 tbsp sugar
- 2 eggs
- 200 ml heavy cream
- 1,5 dl buttermilk
- 1,5 dl milk
- 1 tsp vanilla
- salt

1) In a big bowl, mix well all dry ingredients,
2) Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt, untill soft peaks form,
3) Beat egg yolks,
4) Add the yolks, cream and vanilla to the solid ingredients and beat,
5) Add milk, half at a time, beat,
6) Fold in egg whites,
7) Heat the machine, grease the plates and make the waffles.


When it Crumbles...

{ peach crumble }

Once upon a time, there were a princess and a prince. They were working next to each other, each on each side of a swedish plywood table with bulky legs. The prince was studing a foreign language, and the princess was doing crochet on Archicad, their crowns sitting by their side. As she worked, she realized she felt like having something sweet to eat. She then sneaked to the kitchen to prepare something. She wanted something fruity, but since Fairy Godmother was on vacation, she was left with all she had, and she only had a can of peaches and some tangerines. With a sprinkle of magic powder, she turned the canned peach into a delicious treat. When she arrived in her room with this oven-hot delicacy, the place was immediately filled by its perfect aroma, and the prince surrendered once again to her handmade witchcraft ;)

Peach Crumble
- 1 lata grande de pêssego
- 2 tangerinas (opcional)
- 100g de farinha
- 100g de açúcar amarelo
- 1 colher de chá de canela
- ½ chávena de amêndoas laminadas
- 100g de manteiga cortada em pequenos pedaços

1) Partir o pêssego e a tangerina em fatias (ou pedaços),

2) Dispor num pirex,
3) Misturar bem todos os restantes ingredientes até obter uma textura de migalhas,
4) Espalhar sobre a fruta,
5) Levar ao forno a 170º cerca de 40 min.

Servir com iogurte natural normal ou grego, levemente batido.

Peach Crumble
- 1 big can of peach
- 2 tangerines (optional)
- 100g flour
- 100g yellow sugar
- 1 tbsp cinnamon
- ½ cup laminated almonds
- 100g butter, chopped in small pieces

1) Cut the fruit into slices,
2) Place in a baking tray
3) Hand mix well all the other ingredients until obtaining a crumbled texture
4) Spread over the fruit
5) Place in the oven at 170ºC for about 40 min.

Serve with creamy plain yogurt or greek yogurt